News From California Institute of the Arts

News From California Institute of the Arts

CalArtians Present An Immersive Adaptation of A Christmas Carol

Matthew Bamberg-Johnson as Ebenezer Scrooge. Photo courtesy of Black Axe Media.

On Dec. 9, 10, and 12, Los Angeles-based immersive theater company The Speakeasy Society presents Ebenezer 2021: An Immersive Internet Spectacular (an adaption of an adaption).

With a cast and creative team of 16 different CalArts alums, the production takes the company’s immersive adaptation of Charles Dickens’ A Christmas Carol—originally presented to great acclaim in 2014—and adapts it again for the Zoom era.

Translating “the free roaming exploration of the original Ebenezer to a virtual format,” the new production again invites audiences into the story, but this time online. At-home viewers can have a virtual beer with the beleaguered Bob Cratchit, play charades with Scrooge’s estranged nephew, contemplate the abyss with the Ghost of Christmas Future, or follow along on Scrooge’s journey to confronts his own past wrongs, greed, and mortality. As the show asks, “Can he alter these shadows of what may be, or will he wear the chains he forged in life for all eternity?”

Ebenezer’s cast includes CalArtians Matthew Bamberg-Johnson (Theater MFA 13), Michael Bates (Theater MFA 14), Jenny Curtis (Theater BFA 12), Alex Demers (Theater MFA 14), Craig Gibson (Theater MFA 14), Christie Harms (Theater MFA 13), Nikhil Pai (Theater MFA 12), and Paul Turbiak (Theater MFA 08).

The production’s creative team features CalArts alums Garrett Cebollero (Theater BFA 22), Genevieve Gearhart (Theater MFA 13), Kelly Glaubig (Theater BFA 19), Julianne Just (Theater MFA 12), David Kim (Theater BFA 20), Chris Porter (Music MFA 09), Chardonnay Tobar (Theater MFA 18), and Sang Won (Art BFA 07).

Running 75 minutes and suitable for audiences ages 14 and up, the show will be accessible to audiences around the world via The Speakeasy Society’s website. Tickets are priced per screen (one ticket, one screen) and CalArts alums can receive a special discounted price with code “CalArtsAlum.”

All proceeds from the show will go to benefit Mutual Aid Network Los Angeles, which serves as a connector and informational hub for localized neighborhood-based mutual aid efforts, working to support communities in need throughout greater Los Angeles.

The Speakeasy Society is an LA-based theater company creating intimate and epic experiences in unexpected places, 360-degree stories providing space for entertainment and discovery through total engagement.

Picture of Katie Dunham

Katie Dunham

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CalArtians Present An Immersive Adaptation of A Christmas Carol